A Russian Fiber Lasers workshop will be held in Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, on September 5-9, 2016.
The workshop is a scientific forum having to present the latest achievements and exchange of views between the Russian-speaking scientists working in the field of fiber lasers in the leading Russian and foreign research, technological and educational centers. The seminar is held for the seventh time: in 2007, 2012 and 2014. it took place in Novosibirsk, in 2008 - Saratov, in 2009 - in Ufa and in 2010 - in Ulyanovsk. In 2016, a workshop will be held once again at the House of Scientists of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok - from 5 to 9 September.
In conjunction with the seminar will be held a youth conference "Photonics and Optical Technologies - 2016". The conference program includes lectures by leading scientists, oral and poster presentations of young scientists, training courses to enhance the pseudo-scientific skills, as well as various cultural and entertainment events. Also, a special session will be held on nanophotonics.